Welcome to KITSakshar Institute of Technology



  • Located in an Independent Building with an area of 10,000 sft. spread over two floors (Ground & First)
  • Ground Floor accommodates Book Circulation Section, and Reprography.
  • First Floor accommodates Reference Books, Current Periodicals, News Papers, Back Volumes of Periodicals, and Digital Library etc.
  • Equipped with Modern infrastructure, with a reading capacity for 150 Users.
  • Having a collection of more than 20,000 Volumes.
  • Subscribing  more than 2800 + Online E-Journals through DELNET – J-GATE
  • Subscribing more than 100 + Print Journals & Magazines Automated Library operations by using Bees Erp Software


  • All the Bonafide Students and Staff members of GEC are eligible for membership and use the services of Library & Information Centre.
  • All the registered members are called the users of Library..
  • The Library is primarily for the use of Faculty, Research Scholars, Students, and Non-Teaching employees of the Institute.
  • On special request, outsiders (Students, Faculty, Research scholars of other Colleges) are also permitted for a shorter period for research with written permission from the Librarian on the basis of a letter from the concerned Department / Institute.
  • The privilege of borrowing books from the library is restricted to GEC Staff & Students only.
  • An overdue charge will be collected for returning the books after the due date.


  • Readers should observe strict silence inside the library.
  • Use of Mobile phones by the staff or by students is not permitted inside the library premises.
  • Users are not allowed to carry eatables/drinks inside the library premises.
  • Library membership card is non-transferable.
  • Readers are not allowed to bring their personal text books or any printed material (spiral/bound book/photocopied material) inside the library.
  • Personal belongings like bags, umbrellas, etc. should be deposited at the property counter. These are not allowed inside the library.
  • Readers are advised not to leave their valuable items like money, passport, credit card etc. at the property counter.
  • Marking, scratching, damaging, mutilating, stealing, library materials or property will invite disciplinary action against the defaulters.
  • Readers should not carry books from one floor to another and should leave the books on the reading table after consulting.
  • Readers should not talk or discuss as they may disturb other readers. Reading halls are meant for individual study and research only.
  • Users should not rest or keep their feet on tables, chairs, shelves, etc.
  • The library shall not be responsible for any loss or damage of the personal belongings of the users.
  • The Librarian reserves the right to suspend the membership of any member found misbehaving with the library staff or with any other member.


  • Monday to Saturday: 8.00 A.M. TO 6.00P.M.

Online Public Access Catalogue

OPAC Provides the access to the GEC Library database.

OPAC allows the users to know the library collection and the status of the Library Resources.OPAC allows the users to search the database by Title, Author  of the document/book.

Committee Members

S.No Name Department & Designation Position
1 Mrs.A.Malathi Asst. Prof. CSE Convener
2 Mrs.K.Swaha Padmaja Librarian Co-convener
3 Mr.TVD Prasad Assoc. Prof. MCA Member
4 Mrs.G.Srija Asst. Prof. CAI Member
5 Mr.VC.Anand Rao Asst. Prof. S&H Member
6 Ms.K. Sonia Asst. Prof. ECE Member
7 V.Udaya Bhaskar Reddy II-CSE (22JK1A0599) Student Member
8 P.Manobhiram II-CSE (AI&ML)  (22JK1A4242) Student Member
9 P.S.L.Nikitha II-ECE (22JK1A0413) Student Member
10 D.Harika I-CSE (23JK1A0519) Student Member
11 I.Geetha harghavi I-CSE (23JK1A0567) Student Member
12 S.Raja Kumari I-ECE (23JK1A0415) Student Member
13 M.Bhargavi Durga I-CSE (DS) (23JK1A4405) Student Member
14 M.Srikanth I-MCA (23JK1F0064) Student Member


S.No Description Particulars
 1 Carpet area of the library 480 Sq.mt
2 Number of Users Issue & Returns per month 2800 (Approximately)
 3 Ratio of library books to students enrolled 14.5
 4 Timings 8-00 A.M. to 6-30 P.M.
 5 Number of Library Staff 3
6 Number of Library Staff with degree in library management 1
7 Computerization for search, indexing issue /return records YES, Bees Erp
 8 Barcoding used YES
 9 Library service on internet/ intranet YES
 10 No. of Volumes 25354
 11 No. of Titles 3741
 12 No. of Reference books 6067
 13 Print Journals/Magazines   49
 14 Back Volumes 360
 15 E-Books 4744
 16 Digital Library Yes
 17 No. of Computers in digital library 23
 18 Delnet or other similar membership DELNET, J-GATE, NDLI
 19 NPTEL and other multimedia courses YES