Welcome to KITSakshar Institute of Technology
Governing Body


Guntur Engineering college popularly known as GEC was established in the year 2008 in Yanamadala Village, Prathipadu Mandal of Guntur district, Andhra Pradesh. The Governing Body comprising members from the Society, Industry, AICTE, JNTUK and AP State Technical Education. It conducts at least two meetings in an academic year and discusses problems faced in the past and how to rectify them in the future. It advices and direct the principal to act accordingly and the principal takes the message to the faculty. The development, supervised by the management, comprises extension of building, providing additional facilities, introduction of new courses, inclusion of new faculty, student admissions, etc.

Members of the Governing Body:

 1 Miriyala Narahari rao Chairman Chairman
 2 Munjurulu Srinivasulu I-vice Chairman Member
 3 Talluri rama krishana rao II-vice Chairman Member
 4 P.V.K.R. Govardhana krishna Secretary Member
 5 Koyi Sekhar Secretary-KITS Engg college Member
 6 Koye Subbarao Chairman–KITS Engg college Member
 7 Smt.N.Aroji Rani Commissioner of Technical Education Member
 8 Dr.L.Sumalatha Registar, JNTUK Member
 9 SCRO, AICTE AICTE Nominee Member
 10 Dr. K.Rama Kotaiah Principal Member Secretary
 11 Dr. Sk.Khamuruddeen Professor, Dept of ECE Member