Welcome to KITSakshar Institute of Technology
Alumni Association


The Alumni Association of Guntur Engineering College has been functioning from 2012 . The main aim of the Association is to maintain the link between College and Alumni and share their details of employment and achievements.

The Alumni can help final year students in their project work and also about the employment opportunities in their respective organizations in India and abroad.

Alumni can give guest lectures for the students to get exposure to the cutting edge technologies, research and development and entrepreneurship.

The GEC Alumni members meet for an Annual get-together every year and all the Alumni present are taken around the campus and Outstation Alumni who wish to attend the Annual get-together meeting are provided with all comforts.

All the Alumni can participate in various entertainment programs and games organized by the College, with their spouse and children and are provided with lunch and refreshments.

Alumni are invited to Guntur Engineering College whenever they visit their home town.

The Management and faculty will be delighted to have you in the department to share your valuable professional experience among the faculty and students. You can take the liberty to contact the Principal/HODs/Alumni Association coordinator and the GEC office for any assistance.

Alumni Certificate of Registration

Alumni Registration Form

Click Here to Register